CTP-POWER partners with solar design/build companies, investors & other solar marketing groups to provide solar array systems for churches & other not-for-profit entities (such as educational, medical & governmental facilities) through a process that frees our solar customers of the obligation of paying typical upfront out-of-pocket expenses to receive their solar systems. 

In our process, investors cover all expenses and this enables those who are often the least able to afford the benefits of solar energy (including reduced energy costs) to acquire them.

Our marketing process permits us to share (pre & post-installation) funds from the installation of our solar systems with others from historically-disenfranchised impoverished communities to cause wealth building in those communities. 

Our process helps others who have been trapped at the bottom of our nation’s economic system to move into our nation’s middle class. Through our process they are able to enjoy the dream of economic security to own homes, have health care, & send their loved ones to college.

Want to sign up for our next solar class? Click Here to download the pre-application. Once finished email to office@jobspartnershippeoria.org or mail it to us at 602 W. Richmond Ave. Peoria, Il 61606

CTP-Power and Jobs Partnership Peoria have come together to prepare you for opportunities in solar entry-level positions. Throughout this course, you will learn biblical job readiness skills that focus on you as a whole while also obtaining the vital knowledge and hands-on experience in analyzing, designing, selling and installing photo-voltaic systems.

Recruiting & Selection 
12.01.21 - 01.06.22

Mandatory Meeting @ 11AM

Job Readiness Skills
01.10.22 - 01.28.22

Technical Solar Training* 
01.31.22 - 03.04.22

*Paid Stipend during this portion of training